Friday, February 4, 2011


There is a problem; a disaster if you want to be exact. The Bridesmaid said it involved a cute girl, the white kitten and a glass of cranberries juice. No one really knows the connection really and like it sound, it is a really eccentric and strange combination. For me, it only involves one individual and one only and as the consequences, there will be no show tomorrow.

To put it into simple words, so that people can understand, all these unfortunate events can be summarizes with one statement; Tom is missing. No one seems to know where he is or where he has been. The last time someone saw him was after Tuesday’s rehearsal. The Engineer said he saw Tom stroll down the familiar road only to disappear in the midst of crowded people.

Early this evening, when everyone was ready to start the last rehearsal, the Grave Digger a.k.a the Young Veterinarian realized that Tom’s seat was empty. We thought that he just being late, although it is very unlikely since he was known to be a very punctual person. When I said ‘very’ it mean to the extreme. He never late or even early, he always seems to be arrives right on time.

I tried to call his phones a few times but nobody answered. We broke into groups and checked our favorite places to hang out but no significant result appeared. When the Engineer volunteered to check his home, strangely no one knows where he lives. Even the busybody Bridesmaid didn’t know. All of us have been together for at least six months now, and it seems we don’t know Tom that well.

As the lead actor, he is significantly needed for the show. Not to mention that the show is called after his name; ‘Tom, the Spectacular’. I know, it doesn’t sound that good. Okay, it sounds terrible. Nevertheless, the show is expected to be marvelous despite the ridiculous title. There is a story behind it actually but I am getting ahead of myself. Let’s get to the bigger problem.

There seems to be only one solution. A very wise solution had been made after numerous discussions; Tom needs to be found immediately either by hook or by crook. But first an investigation needs to be conduct. The way I see it this is definitely a case of missing person. The eye witness includes the Engineer and the crowded people filling the familiar road. Now, that was a dead end.

Let’s move on to the Bridesmaid, who seems to know everything that’s going on around her or around others I think. According to her, this case was surely involves the cute girl and her white kitten who lives across the road from our studio. This accusation was seems to based on the fact that the girl looked mysterious and when I asked the Bridesmaid, she said and I quote ‘it was based on my intuition’. Another dead end.

The Veterinarian who is going to play the part of the Grave digger is probably the most reliable witness. Being the first person who realized the missing Tom, I am sure he somehow can help the investigation process. During the interrogation, I asked him where he thinks Tom is and calmly he said that Tom probably on some girl’s bedroom. He explained that it was probably caused by the movement of the moon and earth and blah, blah, blah. I lost him at certain point.

Still, something was not right. There was something these guys hiding from me but what is it? All the parameters were there but I couldn’t find the pattern. As I busily cracked my head with biggest problem I ever face in my whole life, the front door of our studio was suddenly open.

There, standing in front of the door was the cute girl and Tom was with her. The girl was smiling shyly to us while holding Tom in her arm.

“I am sorry, he came to my house last night and kept playing with Dinah and I couldn’t separate them. He fell asleep just now and I quickly brought him here”, she said while holding Tom gently in her arm. Tom purred softly while his eyes kept closed.

“Told you so”, the bridesmaid said complacently.

Well, that’s settle the case.

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