Friday, February 4, 2011


I hate it. I hate the rain. We’ve been planning to go to the zoo to see all the cool animals today. Rhinoceros is my favorite. With their big eyes, hidden under the muddy water, you could not imagine they are that big. Alliya wanted to see the dolphins. She gets all cheeky when she sees one. Dolphins are great and cute too but Rhinos are always being my number one.

This morning, when we all had charmingly dressed up, drops of water felt from Heaven (my friend, Adam told me that Heaven located on the top of the sky). Dad said to my Mom that we cannot go because it was raining cats and dogs although I don’t see any dogs or cats anywhere, just heavy big gulps of water rushing down to the Earth. The sound was so loud; I can barely hear the sound of my Mom tried to calming down the crying Alliya. She can be annoying sometime if something didn’t please her. Honestly, I was devastated too.

The planning was constructed a week ago. I was looking forward to that since my Mom gave the idea.
Dad just returned home from work that evening and suggested we go somewhere that weekend. Mom said we could all go to the zoo and continuously told us the animals we can see there. When she mentioned Rhinoceros, I get excited instantaneously. I’ve seen this program about them the other day and since then I obsessed with them.

It’s been raining heavily for two hours. There was not even a single sign that it will slow down. Dad said that raining was a blessing. Seriously, I couldn’t understand that logic. How can something b e a blessing when it causing disappointment?

It was Wednesday afternoon and raining poured again. It will be the fourth time this week. I have been counting. Since the unfortunate event with the zoo, I kept blaming the rain. It was weird actually. I remembered the other day when I was playing with my controlled car; I heard the woman on the television said that it’s going to be a hot month this March. Due to the something that I didn’t really understand there will be less rain this month.

Nana said that rain was a cleansing ritual for the earth; to get rid all the impurities and made the earth pure again. I don’t understand some of the words but I am only eight, I don’t expect I will be.

It was a week after the incident and it was raining; again. I saw a dark green frog hoping in front of me. I tried to chase it into the rain and fell. My whole body was wet and rain water keep pouring down my head. I stood on my feet and chased after it again. I stretched both my hands and caught it. I inspected it with great interest.

I heard a shriek behind me and the frog slipped from my hands. When I looked behind, there stood Alliya, all wet. I smiled. She smiled. When Mom realized we were soaked with rain in the front yard, she started yelling and screaming. Dad asked Mom to let us go. We were children, he said.

Then something happened. Dad took Mom’s hand and pulls her under the pouring rain. I taught Mom will be angrier but suddenly she smiled and they started to dance in the rain. Alliya kept throwing me with mud and I dodged it away. We all laughing and singing along together.

This was weird because as I remembered, I hate the rain. Maybe Dad was right. Maybe Nana was right. Raining is a blessing. Raining is a cleansing ritual for our soul; to clear our body and mind from all the problems of the world and made we fell fresh again. But, what do I know about it? I am just eight years old. I think I better find that green frog again.

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